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10.10.2012 (Wednesday):

9-00 – 12-00 Registration

9-30 – 10-00 Morning coffee

Session A1. « Economic growth under monopolistic competition»

10-00 – 10-45 Alberto Bucci (University of Milan, Italy). Returns to Specialization and Economic Growth with Human Capital

10-45 – 11-30 Vladimir Matveenko (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Structure of Equilibria in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Horizontal Innovations

Session A2. «Empirical regional economics - 1»

10-00 – 10-45 Sergey Kadochnikov, Anna Fedyunina (Ural Federal Yeltzin University, Russia). Economic Growth due to Export Externalities: a Spatial Econometric Analysis for Russian Regions, 2003-2008
( Presentation)

10-45 – 11-30 Elena Vakulenko (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Migration and Regional Convergence in Russia
( Presentation)

11-30 – 12-00 Coffee-break

Session B1. «Trade and Geography - 1»

12-00 – 12-45 Anna Ray (Paris School of Economics, France). Manufacturing Services and the New Losers of Globalization

12-45 – 13-30 Hannes Kammerer (University of Mannheim, Germany). (Export-) Subsidies for Heterogeneous Firms: Endogenizing Eligibility and Lobbying

Session B2. «Empirical regional economics - 2»

12-00 – 12-45 Olga Demidova (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Spatial Effects on Youth Unemployment Rate: The Case of Eastern and Western Russian Regions
( Presentation)

12-45 – 13-30 Xuemei Jiang (Academy of Mathematics and System Science, China). Specialization and its changes in Chinese Provinces: Does the international integration still matter?
( Presentation)

13-30 – 15-00 Lunch

Session C1. « Urban Economics - 1»

15-00 – 15-45 Alexander Sidorov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia). Endogenous Structure of Polycentric Urban Area

15-45 – 16-30 Jacques-Francois Thisse (CORE – Université catholique de Louvain, HSE). On the Number and Size of Jurisdictions within Large Metropolitan Areas

Session C2. «Industrial organization - 1»

15-00 – 15-45 Peter Bache (Aarhus University, Denmark). Complementary Decisions, Heterogeneous Firms, and Industry Structure

17-00 – 19-00 Welcome buffet

11.10.2012 (Thursday):

9-30 – 10-00 Morning coffee

Session D1. «Industrial organization - 2»

10-00 – 10-45 Dmitry Pokrovsky (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Endogenous Entrepreneurship with Endogenous Firms

10-45 – 11-30 Igor Sloev (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Strategic Choice of Vertical Structure

Session D2. «Empirical regional economics - 3»

10-00 – 10-45 Vera Ivanova (Higher School of Economics, Russia). The Economic Growth of the Russian Regions: an Econometric Analysis of Spatial Interaction
( Presentation)

10-45 – 11-30 Evgenia Kolomak (Novosibirsk State University, Russia). Spatial Inequalities in Russia: Dynamic and Sectoral Analysis
( Presentation)

11-30 – 12-00 Coffee-break

Session E1. « Trade and Geography - 2»

12-00 – 12-45 Anders Laugesen (Aarhus University, Denmark). A Simple Theory of Trade and Vertical Integration

12-45 – 13-30 Sergey Kichko (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Two-factor Trade Model with Monopolistic Competition

Session E2. «Empirical regional economics - 4»

12-00 – 12-45 Oleksandr Shepotylo (Kiev School of Economics, Ukraine). Productivity and Wages
( Presentation)

12-45 – 13-30 Vladimir Vakhitov (Kiev School of Economics, Ukraine). Are There Urbanization Economies in a Post-Socialist City? Evidence from Ukrainian Firm-Level Data
( Presentation)

13-30 – 15-00 – Lunch

Session F1. «Trade and Geography - 3»

15-00 – 15-45 Julien Martin (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium). The Few Leading the Many: Foreign Affiliates and Business Cycle Comovement

15-45 – 16-30 Frederic Warzynski (Aarhus University, Denmark). Productivity, Trade and Endogenous Mark-ups: Testing some Micro-level Implications of the Melitz-Ottaviano Model

12.10.2012 (Friday):

9-30 – 10-30 Morning coffee

10-30 – 11-30 – Paul Belleflamme (CORE – Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium). Competition among Two-sided Platforms

11-30 – 12-30 – Philip Uschev (Higher School of Economics, Russia). Monopolistic Competition with Multi-product Firms
( Presentation)

12-30 – 14-00 – Lunch

14-00 – 15-00 – John Morrow (London School of Economics). Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity Under Firm Heterogeneity

15-00 – 16-00 – Sergey Kokovin(Higher School of Economics, Russia). Investments in R&D under Monopolistic Competition

16-00 – 16-30 – Coffee-break

16-30 – 17-30 – Gianmarco Ottaviano (London School of Economics, UK). Monopolistic Competition, Product Selection and the Optimum Size Distribution of Firms

13.10.2012 (Saturday):

10-00 – 11-00 – Xavier Vives (Barcelona Business School, Spain). R&D Cooperation, Spillovers and Antitrust Policy

11-00 – 11-30 – Coffee-break

11-30 – 12-30 – Dennis Novy (University of Warwick, UK). International Trade without CES: Estimating Translog Gravity

12-30 – 13-30 – Peter Neary (Oxford University, UK). Selection Effects with Heterogeneous Firms.

13-30 – 14-30 – Lunch

14-30 – 15-30 – Kristian Behrens (Université du Québec à Montreal, Canada). Spatial Frictions.

15-30 – 16-30 – Tatyana Mikhailova (NES, HSE, Russia). Gulag, WWII and the Long-Run Patterns of Soviet City Growth

17-00 – 21-00 – Guided tour to Hermitage